Stray reviews

This is an absolute chef’s kiss of a game. Great in most every way. Get it, play it, enjoy it. 
«Blew my mind»
Atmosphere in this game was on a whole other level.
Design, audio and visual, was pretty good.
Short but sweet.
Careful when trying to go for 100% as there is an achievement so hard/based on luck that can ruin the painting of the game "Can't cat-ch me".
«Liked before it became a hit»
«Sit back and relax»
Been waiting for this little gem back since back before the hype, back when no one really knew about it. And let me tell you, I'm only a few hours in but it doesn't disappoint, not one bit.

This is generally what you'd call a "game as an experience". As with most such games, the gameplay is simple, there's no HUD and the control scheme is very minimalistic.The immersive experience you get is all in your surroundings and the indirect atmospheric narrative. The gameplay itself is 100% prompt-oriented, which is ideal for this types of games - you get some variety without losing immersion. The pace is very friendly and relaxing, there's a lot to explore and a lot of fun cat shenanigans to occupy yourself with.

That said, the only real problem so far is that the level design occasionally struggles with implementing a proper vertical gameplay in these atmospheric surroundings. What I mean by that is that sometimes you clearly see that you should be 100% able to climb a wall or a building using the very prominent ledges and objects and whatnot but the game just won't let you. An immersive vertical gameplay is never easy to implement, sure, but some games actually pull this off - take both Dying Light games. So that's about the only somewhat serious problem with this game.

Sometimes it can be a bit hard to determine which way is going to progress the story, and which one may contain secrets, and there are hard-locks in place that prevent you from backtracking - always a nasty combo, although a very common one, sadly.

Technically speaking, the game runs pretty smooth, although expect some heavy FPS losses at some points - the game might get optimized at some point, but so far it's not ideal, although it's not really that much of a problem. So far I've only ran into a few jerky animations and that's about it on the bugs side of things.

I'd say that if you're a fan of cats or a fan of this sort of games - definitely check this one out, cause my review contains A LOT of nitpicks and surely fails to give the whole experience enough credit.
«Can’t stop playing»
«Liked before it became a hit»