Streets At Midnight
Streets At Midnight is a game heavily inspired by the Left 4 Dead series as well as the classic Call of Duty Zombies Game mode. Fight your way through the streets in the "Escape!" game mode, where you'll need to find random weapon pickups as you go! Hold out against wave after infinite wave of the living dead in the truly unoriginal "Survival" mode.
Two game modes: Escape:Fight your way through the streets (at midnight) to the escape helicopter! Use randomly generated weapon pickups along the way and do your best to survive! While there is only one map in this game mode, take your time and explore, it has been designed with multiple runs in mind.
Note you start with two random weapon spawns in front of you. They can be really good (or really bad!).
Survival:Kill wave after wave of zombies attempting to break into your fortifications. Use points to buy various guns, or take a roll on the Mystery Box Crate! Your doom may be inevitable, but try to take as many un-dead out with you as possible!
Controls:These can also be found in game in the pause menu.
ActionKeybindShootLMBAimRMBSprintShiftChange Fire ModeXJumpSpaceCrouchCtrlReloadRInteract/Weapon PickupEMoveWASDPause Escape- You can adjust sensitivity in the pause menu.
- Additionally green lights represent weapon pickups so you can see them in the dark.
- Vsync is currently enabled by default. There is an option in the pause menu to disable it if you wish.
- Currently there is no plans for controller support or remapping. If it is strongly desired I can attempt to add controller support in the future.
- The mac build is untested, let me know if there are issues.
I want to thank you, the player, if you are reading this, I appreciate you taking time to look at my game!
Quaternius and his game assets were a huge help in making my first full fledged game, please check him out here
Lastly I was lucky enough to stumble onto Haakon Davidsen's music here If you like the score check them out.