Sunset reviews

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War, Violence, Dictatorship, Intimidation, Power and Powerlessness. These are all Topics that are always the Focus. Stories that are always repeating. Despite the Lessons learned from it. Daily. On our little Ball, on which we do our Daily lives. Video Games have already made some Attempts to illustrate the Above topics as authentically as possible. In the most common Cases, by the Mid-chin feeling, by taking on the Role of a Soldier or a Person with a superhuman Drive. But what if you don't play a Soldier? How does it feel if you don't shoot with the Gun yourself, but take on the Role of a Civilian? What thoughts, Worries and Feelings do you have during such a Time? Sunset answers these Questions. The Way it answers these Questions, however, is a double-edged sword. Because if you know the other "Tale of Tales" games, you'll probably already know that you can't just play "Sunset" On the side. It takes a very big voluntary Willingness to engage in an Experience where Fun is not in the Foreground. And it takes a lot of Time until it has picked up Speed. A lot of Time. If you read through the other Reviews about the Game, you will notice that most Players complain about exactly these two Points. And I can't stress enough that the Game hasn't been made for every type of Player. On the contrary. It's only going to appeal to a very small Part. But personally, I don't think it's a bad Decision. Even though I have to admit that the Experience felt quite long-drawn in between and it contains some technical Deficits (Bugs, Rucklers), the lasting Impression sat deep with me at the End! Because the authentic Soundtrack, the interesting 70s setting, the well-written Monologues and the gorgeous Diary of the Main Protagonist, by making her Character traits, Worries and Thoughts as clear as in any other Game, have always made me feel Reminds again why I wanted to get involved in the Experience. And, of course, the Main Theme: Violence and War. I don't know of any other Game that presents the two Themes so indirectly and yet incredibly undisturbingly. You're not there on the Ground. You don't see which or how many People are dying in the process. The Only thing you hear is the Gunshots, Explosions and the Sirens. And the Only thing you see is the black Smoke rising into the Sky after an Explosion. The Fact that the Village, by slowly blossoming a war, was actually a Paradise, makes the Matter even more unpleasant and sad. In all this Chaos, however, you have Contact with a Person who you never meet in person, but who could be the Solution to all these Problems. And perhaps even the Solution to all the personal Anxieties and Worries that the Main Protagonist carries in her. If you want to give him a Chance to do so. And it all made me think ... Once you get to The point of worrying about why you are waging war, why there is Violence in the first place, why someone is emulating a ruthless Dictatorship, from when someone is a Hero, where and when Love "Makes sense ..." Once you get there, you understand the Game. Because it's not there to answer those Questions. It is there to ask yourself these Questions. That you become attentive. And that's why I take my Hat off to this Game.