Super Bucky Box
A few peoples computers were relaying virus problems in the game package. I recompiled it and promise that I have not attempted are placed any virus in the game.
Recently updated to version 0.2. Added additional characters (Willy and Bruiser). Now made it possible to unlock characters. Adjusted Jenny's attack to be Psychic Ball and Deadeye Now shoots twice as fast.
More Updates to come soon!
Lets Croak Us Some Toads.
Left - move left
Right - move right
Up - jump
Space - Shoot
You can not shoot while you are sliding, try jumping out of the slide to shoot at your enemies. Use the ladders to double jump around the room. You can't hit Toad Borg or the Void Droid but all of the toads behind them are still available to be shot at. If you let a toad reach the bottom he respawns at the top but as a red uniformed toad.