Supermarket skid Masters
Supermarket skid Masters
Fastest most challenging drift game ever.
Free to play with 10 levels 3 car types.
File system lets you play against your friend just copy your slot file to there game.
Race against up to 9 ghost cars at once.
Game made on Godot engine by Andrew Peterson.
Main Menu:
Click on player name at top of screen to change name and save slot number.
Simply write name in desired slot box.
Then select who's driving with the "Driver" tic box.
Also check Ghost tic box or boxes depending on whose ghost car or cars you wish to vs.
If "Map Best" is ticked the best player's ghost car of that map will play.
"Bronze", "Silver", "Gold" are ghost cars to beat accordingly.
"Start" Button "ESC" starts the chosen level.
Under "Sound" title,
"Master", "Car", "Props" to adjust volume.
Arrow Buttons: up and down change map level.
right and left change car skin.
"Car Color"
Buttons "ENTER", "SPACE" change the color of the car.
"Track Lines" change the color of chalk marking of the race course.
"Ghost Alpha" changes the amount of the ghost car visible.
In Game control:
Buttons "ENTER", "SPACE": start the car in motion.
also restart level.
Buttons "a" and "d" for steering.
or arrows.
Press "r" for replay.
"ESC" button returns to the main menu.
File System:
If you want to share your best times with others.
Note your slot number in the game. (eg player name Andy in slot 2)
Exit the game. Go into the "game_folder" folder then the "slot_files" folder.
Here you will find your saved game slot. (eg Andy is SaveSlot2.ssm)
If you need to change slot numbers, simply rename (eg "SaveSlot2.ssm" to "SaveSlot5.ssm").
If you use SaveSlot7,8,9 this will overwrite Bronze, Silver, Gold.