Play as an Anthropologist named Davin who was tasked to chronicle the stories and traditions of an indigenous tribe of Napalac called the Mangyan. Its people speak the native language Hanunuo'o which was threatened to be eradicated by foreigners that came in the past whose main objective was to colonize their lands. In order to prevent themselves from being erased from history, the Mangyan were forced to flee to the dangerous highlands where the colonizers dared not tread. Paranoid and traumatized from the experience, their people set up traps and barriers along the path to where they resided and constantly prayed to their spirits to drive any trespassers away. Only their people would be able to get in and out of their village.
DISCLAIMER: The events happening in Surat are purely fictional but occasionally references environments and social groups in real life.
Message from the Devs:
Did you know that Hanunuo'o is a real native language? Surat Mangyan is what they call their ancient writing script. The words and symbols you see in the puzzles are indeed real and not made up! Hanunuo'o and Surat Mangyan are just some of the many diverse languages and writing systems in the Philippines!
Thank you for playing our game! This was a capstone/thesis game built with-in 2 -3 months. We hope you enjoy and learn the native language of Hanuno'o in the process.
NOTE: Logitech Controllers are recommended