Surrounded (WardensDev)
You have no weapons, no time, and adrenaline pumping through your veins. Surrounded by a firing squad, use your deft senses to give them a taste of their own medicine!
- "WASD" to move
- Hold left mouse button to move left hand
- Hold right mouse button to move right hand
- "E" to slow down time
- "Esc" to return to the main menu
- "P" to free cursor
If you happen to play my game, comment below with whether you're a "righty" or a "lefty".
i.e. Which hand you feel more comfortable using in game.
The graphics settings are set kind of high in the main "Surrounded_***.zip" files. If you have trouble running them, the "Surrounded_***" has lower graphics settings.
System requirements for PC
System requirements for macOS
System requirements for Linux
Last Modified: Feb 22, 2021
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