Swappy (askrealcookie)

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In this game you are little blue circle called "Swappy". Your goal in every single level is to kill all the enemies. But then - plot twist, your bullets don't do any damage.

So how can you beat them, huh? Well, your bullets don't kill others, but they kill their owner, so you can suicide by shooting in the wall so bullets will bounce right in your face. 

When you hit enemy with bullet, your mind transfers to his body and you can then kill "yourself". 

That's really complex mechanic, but I am sure that after tutorial you will know what to do!

Q: Why I can't shoot fast?
A: There is one second delay(in enemy body it's slightly more) between shots, because of game balance.

Q: Why something doesn't work?
A: I started to work on game in a half of game jam, so I had less time to polish game(I am still using movement script that meant to be temporary). Feel free to comment bugs and new ideas below. Maybe I will work on game more.

Q: What if I am stuck and can't beat the level?
A: You can use cheats, but of course that's not recommended. But just in case you want: open console with ` key and type /help, you will see. (Warning: Console is in early development, highly unrecommended to use now.)

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Not rated

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Last Modified: May 29, 2020

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