Switchboard Connector
Be a switchboard connector, connecting calls between residents! Rack up flawless connection streaks, and find out which resident you connect with most.
A game submission for the Lost Relic Game Jam 2022, with theme "Connection".
Mouse/pointing device required to play!
Mouse over circular sockets to see which residents it connects to.
Left click on ringing sockets (flashing blue) to see the caller/recipient.
Connect to correct recipient's socket.
Misconnections occur when calls are unanswered after some time, or wrong connections happen.
Calls ramp up fast and furiously, knowing where the residents reside can help... perhaps you'll make a connection to them too? ;)
Pressing ESC will end the game session.
Windows 32/64-bit, Linux 64-bit (Untested), MacOs (Untested)