Average Playtime: 3 hours

Sydney's World

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Sydney's World is a family-friendly JRPG. Game focus is on the intersecting story arcs of a young girl seeking her father and a king in search of redemption.

Sydney is a real eight year old girl, not a cliche fem super-hero or cliche fem helpless victim. She behaves just as the real Sydney would, alternating between cuteness, petulance, innocence, anger, sorrow, illogical decisions, jealousy, extreme joy, etc.

When she's captured by an evil wizard and transported to another world, her toy elf Snowball is brought to life. He's Sydney's alter ego and ultimate childhood wish-fulfillment; his whole existence revolves around her. Together, they stop small dogs from barking, cause a king to reconsider his philosophy, and deal with very real emotions in a fantasy world setting.

King Nicholas Westergaard rules the human settlements of an unknown world. He's consumed with a war against another race and a rebellion within his own kingdom. In time he discovers he has caused both.

Explore new worlds without the usual multitude of boring side-quests and random encounters with identical enemies. There are no maps, mini-maps, mini-mini maps, or micro-maps; exploration is done the old-fashioned way, with clues and logic.

Sydney and villains are voice-acted to enhance engagement. Other characters are not, to encourage reading and imagination.

There is no profanity, blood/gore, sexual content...or even more damaging to young minds...lame dialogue and cheap endings!

Older, wiser players will enjoy unconventional aphorisms that might cause them to reconsider their own philosophy.

Hard-core RPG gamers should note that there is no inventory management or traits/abilities/skill point management.

For more information on Sydney's World for younger players, please visit the website.
Release date
Wise Dad Games
Wise Dad Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Processor: Pentium 4. 2.0 Ghz
  • Storage: 535 MB available space
  • Additional Notes: Resolution is 640x480
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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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Sydney's World reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Italian
Premise: Just started and already I found a serious bug after only 1 hour of play. Once you have taken the boat, and crossed a water reel, you come to a small island with a horse. If you interact with the horse not coming out of the boat, after the various dialogues + screen, you find yourself with the boat in the ground, totally immobilized. Making sure that your game ends prematurely after loading a previous save. After This premise we start talking about the game. First of all forget that it is an RPG. This is more a modern fairytale with two protagonists, the little Sydney who is looking for his father, and a king struggling with the bad guy who is the same one who kidnapped the father of the child. The game, however, is nothing more than the tale of this story, there are no random fights, or shops where you can buy new weapons and armor. (At least for this first hour of play.) Objects are collected only by searching the environment in crates or cabinets or by interacting with other furniture. The mandatory fights are for the story, they increase the level of the characters, and they are like the old RPG that if you do not be careful you risk having the party destroyed and with them the continuation of the story. There are also environmental puzzles to put you in the wheels that if not overcome will not make you continue in history. I can't say much about the story apart from the Incipit, in an hour it's not that there is much to read without counting that being totally English, the game is not suitable for everyone even though it is a fairly elementary English. The good thing about this game made with RPG Maker, is the dubbing of some of the protagonists, both good and bad. For the rest is all negative, starting from the micro resolution of 640 * 480, the drawings of the protagonists not exactly excellent. The music is nice, but not memorable, plus everything is piloted, you can not go wrong and if there are junctions to the Max find a chest. But as I wrote before, for 1 hour of play is already so much what I could do this semi review. To finish: Is it Better to buy this game? Yes, if you recognize yourself with the story of the child, namely that you are a father with a daughter or you are a child/or, perhaps more in the in the game there will be other educational themes that will be great, given the premise. Or you want a few low-priced steam cards. For others? I would say no, especially if English is like reading Arabic. But I will update the review once the game is finished. ^_^ P. S: I was surprised to hear the dubbing in a game made with RPG Maker. It was a great addition. ^_^
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