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Symploké: La Leyenda de Gustavo Bueno (Capítulo 1)

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Fermin Games, a new spanish company of videogames, now presents its opera prima: "Symploke: Legend of Gustavo Bueno", a classic point-and-click adventure game which is also divided into several chapters.

Put in the mixer "The secret of Monkey Island" and the daily life of a mad Spanish University. There you are, as Benito Retamosa, such a lazy, cheeky student, more interested in partying than in reading Aristotle. On your adventures through College, you will have to meet Mr. Gustavo Bueno, an ancient master of Philosophy you will need to overcome your mission.

All texts in game are translated into English but the spanish voices have been left as they were, to provide the player with an atmosphere as close as possible to the original version. Soundtrack is funny as well and all graphics have been designed with Microsoft Paint. What else do you need to be told to download this work and immerse yourself in the magical world of a engagingly roguish hero?
Release date
Videojuegos Fermín
Videojuegos Fermín
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
  • Processor: Intel or AMD
  • Memory: 500 MB RAM
  • Graphics: Direct Draw or Direct X compatible card
  • Storage: 1 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX compatible sound card
  • Additional Notes: Mouse
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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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Symploké: La Leyenda de Gustavo Bueno (Capítulo 1) reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Spain
Funny, well-written, and also dubbed Spanish, Symploké: The Legend of Gustavo Bueno squanders a rogue humour that brings to mind Bruguera's comics. And What is even more interesting: the argument of this graphic adventure to the Lucasart counts with true recent history of the philosophy like curtain of background (although in this first chapter only begins to Intuit). It Is A game recommended for the fans of the graphic adventure, but also for those who want to embark, in the long run, into something even bigger. Follow him the track to the adventures of Benito feel, you will not regret.
Translated by
Microsoft from Spain
A good proposal that takes us directly to the 80-90. The graphics are a mix between the first adventures of Lucas and Ibañez comics of our childhood, the screenplay and humor also. That the issue philosophical not confuse us, is just an excuse to raise a pot Ida quite gamberra. It Only misses the power to cut some scenes, so that in subsequent replays can check all the options of dialogue, etc (so we are the geeks). All a success in general, very Curran all: Voices, music... I look forward to the second chapter because the first is a bit short!
Translated by
Microsoft from Spain
A video is worth a thousand words........ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5n3R8euDv0Q&list=PLPsIZqp3c64iFKzOeVRhsHMsZChJkovCL Symploke is a graphical adventure of Click & Point, Homennaje to the years 90, the golden age of this type of games.. We Drive to Benito a college student, we will accompany you in your adventure through the university where we meet different characters, the Rector, the cafeteria waiter, the empoyones and some other more, that we get more of a smile, each of them with his Voice and his personality. THE game is three chapters, this first is free, the two costs €2 and the third will arrive in February. The puzzles are not very complicated, although I have been stuck Alguano time, the typical in this type of adventures. If you're a fan of graphic adventures, you can't miss this game. A greeting
Translated by
Microsoft from Spain
A while Ago, I wanted to delve into the world of graphic adventures, genre that very little had touched, and I hit this game. I was Looking For something different from what I was used to playing, and I did find it. Of first and you are struck By the graphic style that has the videogame, similar to the comics of all life, simple but charming. As you go forward in the game, you are feeling the kind of humor that is in the dialogues and the answers that the protagonist has to choose and will attract you little by little, and silly, entertains and amuses you without noticing. Personally, that the game is developed in a university and that the main character is a somewhat particular student attracts me enough, gives a lot of truth. The duration is short, something great for people who don't have a lot of free time, and it's free. I have a great playing and I'm sure I will enjoy the same with the second part. Recommended 100%!
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