A rift in space-time has split Android Neveu into two parallel words. Fortunately for her, she is connected with her alternates in quantum entanglement. Use her powers to sync and desync herself utilizing each alternates' special abilities and help each other traverse unique parallel entangled worlds.
Move - WASD
Jump - Spacebar
Dash - Shift (when bottom screen is active)
1 - Activate / Deactivate Top Screen
2 - Activate / Deactivate Bottom Screen
Left Click on Buttons
Next Level - Pink Button with Two Arrows (when goals are reached)
This game was made for the GMTK 2021 Game Jam by:Programming - Kevin Jeong -
Programming - Philip (Silevran) -
Programming - ShockingShots - Twitter
UI - Sara Bustamante - Behance
Art - Jonathan Michiemo - Twitter
Art - Henry - Instagram
Music - Chansu Music - Soundcloud
SFX - Charles Kieswetter - Twitter