T a k e y o u r t i m e レースゲーム

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I put togheter some of my old assets and started working on this little racing game demo.

How many circuits are there?

There currently are three circuits:

Night City - The first made, a short race in the middle of a cool night lighted city.

Sunset at Countryside - A little longer race in a near-lake green countryside, while the sun is going down..

Palmy Sunrise - Another quite long race, placed in a seaside and palmy city at the dawn of a new day.

What's the goal?

Since this is a test I decided to keep it simple by just putting a chronometer to record your lap times and try to do the lowest possible time.

Of course racing games aren't just working like this in today's videogame scene, but the main goal of this project was trying to recreate that A E S T H E T I C feeling that vaporwave everyday gives us. For now you may just enjoy the ride looking at the city in the fog, in future I'll surely add a leaderboard with circuit times, a ghost mode and maybe a "task on the road" mode like "surpass that car" - "complete the ride without hitting palms" or something like this.

Yeah, I just have no idea.


To play the game you just need your keyboard and the following button guide:

W - Accelerate

A and D - Steer

LeftShift - Show/Hide Leaderboard

TAB - Press once to edit your username. Click on the screen and press

ENTER - to confirm your username (won't be changeable in the session)

ESC - Go back to main menu

S - Decelerate

SPACE - Brake

Q - Radio mode

E - Turn on inside car light

L - Turn on outside car lights

R - Respawn at the start (will erase your best times and current time!)

C - Change camera

Isn't it buggy?

There currently are some known bugs:

Impact with guardrails may be really disappointing (car flying out of the circuit), not excellent car stability (please slow down on curves), spawning when the car is too fast may stuck you in an endless spawn-falldown loop and others I still haven't found.

Please, if you see something, report it to me so that I can solve all your problems!


Yeah, we finally got a T r u e L e a d e r b o a r d.

If you want to show you can do better than everyone else, please start racing and show your a e s t h e t i c s k i l l s.

(Don't try to break the leaderboard, I can erase suspicious times like 0.3.0 to 0.10.0 secs)

Also, I uploaded the new official link where you'll find the updated version of the game each time I update it!

Levels playable:

NightCity(1), Sunset at the Countryside(2), Palmy Sunrise(3)

Here we go, quite big update on the road!

We finally got a (primitive) main menu to help users in choosing the level to play and to keep you updated about credits, added levels, versions and so on.

The menu is still in building phase but it's already playable using your mouse. Next update will be 100% working keyboard and controller navigation, along with a new track.

We need to know why some of your scores are literally fucked up as someone got 4 or 5 seconds, so please tell us why the hell you keep scoring that awesome bugged times.

And please, be short with the usernames (and stop using the default one). We're still testing the impact numbers and special characters have on the username length on screen.

It's all for now, see you at the next update!

Release date
Space Banana Studio
Age rating
Not rated

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Edit the game info
Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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