Tag Safari VR
Note: This game works but is bare bones.
Description:This is kind of like duck hunt or safari hunt (the one on the Sega Master System) in VR. Theres only one enemy and only the left gun works. This game requires VR. It doesn't keep your score in view in VR, and to restart the game (which will only take a minute or two to beat) you have to press space bar. Shoot with the trigger on the left controller.
Future:If you play this and like what you see and want to see more I would be pleased to flesh it out. I have lots of ideas:
- Right Hand gun
- Remove the hand or make it grip the gun
- Make bullets travel faster
- More enemies
- More levels (all in this one forest or landscape but lots of different scenarious
- Score = a calculation of shots and time
- Randomized seeds for timings and enemy spawnings on each level
I think if you use the sticks on WMR you can move around, but thats not a part of the gameplay of this game
Postmortem:This will be the first game where I have used my starting point framework with VR. That part is barely connected too, in particular if I dont account for it with an extra platform the player just falls through the terrain (I think the player is instantiated and starts falling before the terrain is fully loaded). One of the buggiest parts that was just too annoying was the haptics were buzzing randomly. Unfortunately I dont know what I did to fix it but it doesnt happen for me anymore. It probably had something to do with the hand constantly colliding with the ground or the players body or head.