Take a break (Strook)
Take a Break
Breath OUT when...
LampostLight turns On (buzz sound)
Light turns Off (buzz sound)
Shooting Star
Star Appears and Flashes (twinkle sound)
Star Disappears and flashes (subtle twinkle sound)
CarLights turn on and flashes when car start turning (for both turns) (Click sound)
Lights turn on and flashes when car finish turning(for both turns) (Click sound)
Leaf (Foreground left bush)
When leaf start growing (anytime during Leaf moving sound)
When leaf detach and start flying (Abrupt leaf sound)
Yellow Plant (near right tree)
When plant opens its leaves and reveal the yellow core (plant opening sound)
When plant closes down (plant closing sound)
A small game about breathing, stress, relaxation, and this kind of stuff.
Made in 1 month, with unity, as a side project, I hope you will enjoy it !
Press Space Breath in, release to Breath out.
The game doesn't provide a lot of info on purpose, but you can find hints below, the more you scroll, the more it will spoil ! Full playthrough solution on the bottom.
I tried to make it as accessible as possible, it should playable with sound or visual only, but please comment if there are more things I can do to improve accessibility or bugs !
HINTS (no spoilers)- Looks for patterns and try to match your Breath In/Out with movements in the world.
- There are 5 "puzzles" to solve.
- Near the bench
- In the sky
- In the distance
- Foreground
- Near the tree
Breath OUT when...
LampostLight turns On (buzz sound)
Light turns Off (buzz sound)
Shooting Star
Star Appears and Flashes (twinkle sound)
Star Disappears and flashes (subtle twinkle sound)
CarLights turn on and flashes when car start turning (for both turns) (Click sound)
Lights turn on and flashes when car finish turning(for both turns) (Click sound)
Leaf (Foreground left bush)
When leaf start growing (anytime during Leaf moving sound)
When leaf detach and start flying (Abrupt leaf sound)
Yellow Plant (near right tree)
When plant opens its leaves and reveal the yellow core (plant opening sound)
When plant closes down (plant closing sound)
System requirements for PC
System requirements for Web
Last Modified: Jun 12, 2020
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