Tale of the Lavender House
Tale of the Lavender House
Welcome to the Lavender house a point and click adventure made in pico8!
Marvelanne Mcghee a psychic spiritualist finds herself trapped in the lavender house and must gather items to appease an angry spirit to earn her egress.
- Point on verbs to use them with interactions.
- Click on NPCs to talk
- Click on items to investigate further (partially implemented)
- Click on inventory items to grab and use them(inventory items can be combined in the menu)
- Right-click to release items or verbs
Coming Soon!!!
- Notes! notes for your conversations (for now you can just infinitely ask the same questions over and over again)
- Pathfinding! Marvelanne can kinda just walk all over everything at the moment, maybe she's a spirit! ? (no she's not... but maybe...)
- Second Floor! Sorry I know it's a tease to have a staircase you can't climb but soon second floor and more lavender family storyline!
- Probably fixing a fatal bug I missed!!
Thanks for playing!
System requirements for Web
Last Modified: Oct 11, 2021
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