Tales from Suburbia: Life in a box
Honestly, I made this game for trijam and it was my first game jam. I did NOT get the game exported before the deadline. I had a lot of problems with exporting that day...anyways, I dont want my work to go to waste and im actually a little proud of it. So now its a portfolio game and part of a series I will be producing for future jams.
Most of the game was made over the course of 3 hours, though im sure I have updated it since then. At the time of writing this, I planned to add sounds, voice-overs, more bad guys, space out the spawning to seem more random but also increase spawn frequency over time, some feedback/juice/feel, and add background objects.
In total, I dont plan on putting more than a total of 6-10 hours into this game. It is mostly a learning experience in comfort but is kind of enjoyable to play. :)
If the web doesnt run right, the download will work a lot better.
Next Update Plan
Next update should have sounds, consequences for smacking the wrong dudes, and an annoying cat(dont ask). Also, best of all, you will know that a dude still needs to be smacked more before death. A little new to updating a game publicly, please excuse my excitement. Oh, and I will probably add some style and art to the game page(and title/death screens) as well.
Im planning on updating this in the next few days. Bear with me.
I only plan on two more updates. After those two are complete, I will be done.