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Tank Universal

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Tank Universal creates a huge virtual 'Tron-like' world where you take part in immense 3D tank battles involving scores of units both friendly and not so friendly in wide open levels!
Players can bombard the enemy from a distance or close the gap and dodge shells point blank - all in an immersive first person perspective.
  • 20 levels of highly addictive and intense tank battles
  • Some missions require you to leave the safety of your tank and explore the world on foot
  • Ability to upgrade weapons and tank equipment
  • Fight alongside allies against highly intelligent and numerous enemies
  • Spectacular looking virtual world and eye-popping particle effects
  • Take the battle in any direction with wide open levels allowing freedom of play
  • Intriguing storyline switching between the 'real world' and the digital virtual world
  • Enhanced resolutions, including widescreen support up to 1680x1050
  • Unlock over 25 achievements, including Roadkill, Sheep Master and the all important; Saviour of the Resistance
Release date
Dialogue Design
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • Supported OS: Windows Vista/XP/2000
  • Processor: 2.0 GHz Processor
  • Memory: 512 Mb
  • Graphics: DirectX compatible 128 MB graphics card*
  • DirectX Version: DirectX 8.0 or higher
  • Sound: 100% DirectX compliant sound card
  • Hard Drive: 250 MB of available hard drive space
  • * Tank Universal does not support on-board Intel video cards
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Last Modified: Oct 5, 2024

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1 edit
World of Tanks TK-S Polish Tank (skin for Universal Carrier 2-pdr) 8 kills - Mittengard
Jun 29, 2017
World of Tanks Replays
Blueprints and Rewards for Merit in WoT
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Rewards for Merit: Blueprint Fragments
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Blaupausen und Belohnungen für Verdienste in WoT
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Tank Universal - Gameplay Trailer
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234,579 items
Hero of the Resistance
Hero of the Resistance medal awarded (normal difficulty)..
I Am Sheep Master
Completed the ride first time.
Glyph Freak Deluxe
128 Glyphs collected.
All Transports Away!
All transports evacuated safely.
256 Bit Supreme
256 Bit Supreme rank achieved.
view all achievements
27 items

Tank Universal reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Meet on your monitors-the Throne in the tank! By the Way a very skillful move of the developer to make such a graphic style, because it allows you to hide the overall image of the graphics. The Gameplay is very good, especially in part of the war bases, where you need to drag the enemy key yourself (in the single by story, no cartoon, unfortunately). The Game will provide 20 really different missions with pumping and raising the level/rank. By the Way, the tank is managed surprisingly easy. In the end it turned out unexpectedly soundly and uniquely. Activate the glyph! 7.5 of 10:)
Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Great horror, I can endure a lot, but it.... Usually people do not buy such games, people do not download such games, and even more so do not launch. If to judge the plot there is practically no, and the one that is show you in 3 seconds tion you some person who came back from the doctor and from the same doctor got a helmet virtual reality that should heal you or just help something, I always knew That people in medicine do not know what they do, but it is too much, then you throw into the game and begins wild Bacchanalyya, you are arrested, then released, then you run among the drug-addicted multicolored locations (remind the game about tanks), then after a million Cat scenes you get into a tank! And it must be said that I would have drawn a more adequate model of the tank, which is for the disproportionate heap ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ And that violate all the existing laws of logic, made in the same colors as the walls, if you want to disperse the tank and spin can catch The parish is not worse than from low-quality spikes, to lead the fire uncomfortable, your chances are also unequal because the Allies do not know what they are in general team are and became absolutely useless, only harm you complementing the overall gamut of colorful colors on the screen, In this game all must do YOU, while participating in the team fights, and by the way before your next appearance on the battlefield after sudden death you need a million years to wait for you from the hangar on the map will carry a dive, why it is not clear, for the sake of realism? I doubt so, when you are suffering and cursing game will pass barely a second stage in the mission, you will find another surprise, departures on the desktop, you. Who needs to spend time killing their nerve cells in this game? This question you ask yourself in the first 5 minutes of gameplay. It is obviously not worth Buying, I am not even sure whether this toy is sold separately, because I took it in the pack, I hope not.
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