Tensity: Free Offline Brain And Puzzle Mobile Game

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Tensity is a free and offline mobile puzzle and brain game that targets those people who want to improve focus and boost their decision-making skills. A simple and easy-to-play puzzle game can enhance your concentration and you will face challenges that you have to overcome.

This brain game made for fun, where you have to find the correct random number generated at the bottom of the gameplay screen. There are many random numbers spawn with cool random colors, from where the player needs to detect the exact same number and click on that number.

 Whenever a player gives the correct answer the score will be added to the player's total score panel at the top of the gameplay. The most amazing part of this game is that when a player selects or clicks on the incorrect answer, their score will be subtracted as well.

With that players have to take the right decision at the right time, the whole gameplay mechanics are super cool with that feature because players have to avoid wrong answers in order to save their score. The timer is also ticking that tracks how long did you take to accomplish some score.

However, some people might take this game as hard or challenge because it depends on your focus and brain speed that how many numbers you can understand and give the signal of the right answer. In addition, as a player touch on the wrong answer, their score will be subtracted which must be important.

Hence, you can adjust the difficulty of the game as you want, although a player can choose how hard or easy a game he or she wants to play. At when the start of the game you will see the different options, by pressing on the play button a small popup window will open where you can select the game difficulty level according to your needs.

In addition, you’ll only have five lives or chances and you have to give the right answer when you click on the incorrect answer your score will decrease and one lives as well, so it’s important to use your life otherwise you won’t have lives or chances. However, you can get one chance before ending the game, when your lives got zero you’ll see a popup that tells you to watch a video to get one more chance and if you watch the full video then eventually you will receive one more chance.


- Free puzzle and brain game

- It boosts your focus

- Improves decision-making skills

- A simple puzzle game with easy to play game mechanics

- Find the correct answer and collect the score

- A timer that tracks your progress

- Awesome sound effects

- Save your high score of the last gameplay

- Select level difficulty as you want: Easy, Medium, Hard

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Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Android

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Last Modified: Mar 8, 2021

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