Average Playtime: 4 hours

Terra Incognita ~ Chapter One: The Descendant

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This game embodies the classic canon role playing game.


The world of Terra is plunging into chaos, great shocks await it. In this situation, it is time to turn the weapon against the main weak point of Terra - its corrupt royal family.

The hero of the game must cross the whole world in order to unite the peoples of Terra and gather into his team the best warriors and other necessary people.

The Hero and the beginning

The game begins with a short video about Terra and the hostile forces that attacked this country.

When the video ends, a mysterious man with a sword falls from the sky - this is your character that you will control in the game. A man falls next to a young hunter and fisherman named Leon, who was just fishing near his lonely dwelling among the hills.

Leon, as one of the allies you found, is also the first achievement in this game. Leon had just caught a fish for dinner when he noticed a man falling from the sky. The man calls his name - Alexis. Leon and Alexis exchange a few words, Leon invites Alexis into the house.

In the house of Leon Alexis first meets several creatures with whom he has to fight. Leon himself surprised at the presence of these creatures in his house. Another thing that surprises Leon is that Alexis finds a strange crystal near Leon's house. And through this crystal with Alexis, a mysterious voice speaks.

In the future, you will travel around Terra, fighting with monsters and meeting more and more different characters that make up the team - these are the achievements for which the game is played.

State of the game and additions to it

Game development is not yet complete, but the game itself is already available to the public. As you work on the game, its creators complement the available version.

During the work on the game, its creators have already released patches for it. These patches, in particular, brought into play the possibility of several new achievements. It should be remembered that it may be necessary, after adding a patch, to start a new game in order to gain access to these new achievements.

Release date
Back To Basics Gaming
Back To Basics Gaming
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/8
  • Processor: 1.6 GHz
  • Memory: 128 MB RAM
  • Graphics: DirectX 9.0 Compatible
  • DirectX: Version 9.0
  • Storage: 550 MB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX 9.0 Compatible Sound
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Apr 6, 2024

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Terra Incognita ~ Chapter One: The Descendant reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review I became aware of the Game via Steam and then just struck, at €4.99, that was not the long Overthrow now:) I've always been a Fan of Round-based fighting and old RPGs in the Style of Suikoden or even the old Final Fantasy Title. Even during the Introduction, you realize that the Game tries (and succeeds) to take exactly this Direction. The Story fits such games and the Variety seems to be given as well. I'm definitely excited to continue playing. Upon Request from the Developer, the Game will also become multilingual once the Release has taken place. Who wants can follow the Game on my YT channel on the Terra Playlist First Conclusion: Great Game, Super Prize, Buy is worth it
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review The Story seems interesting enough so far. The Fights are fair and the Music is apt. The Dungeons, though, could have tolerated a little more Love. In addition, the controller control does not yet work and there are often some Bugs. One of these prevents me from continuing to play at the Moment, which is a great pity, but the Developer is really making an Effort with the Game. For the current 19 Cents you can really only recommend it further, but also for 4.99 Euros it is a worthwhile purchase. The Game is in Early Access and is expected to be 70-80 Hours of Play at the finished Stage. I'm already looking forward to it! Appendix Did you like the Review or you are simply Interested in Writing reviews, then please support our Group GermanReviews, which is still under Construction
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review----Terra Incognita ~ Chapter One: The Descendant----Ach Terra Incognita, what do I do with You? I have to say You're really enjoyable Game. Beautiful Atmosphere and "curious" Story. What is a Pity, however, is that the Story is NOT VOLLSTÄNDIG and the Game has a relatively large Number of Bugs. (Early-Acces halt.) But still, it has to be said that The Descendant has a beautiful map design. Nothing seems really straight-like and forced. "All natural." The Map seems to be very extensive, but remains hidden for the most part of the previously "known" Story. You want to explore, but you can't really do it. You are Hampered by Story and constantly flopping Battles. They wouldn'T be the Problem, however (with me). There is an escape button, which is even mentioned in the Tutorial. The Problem is, this one just can't be selected! For People who like to duel and want to lend to dozens and dozens and Dozens of Fights in RPG-Maker Manier Lust this is the right Game. I have to say: I put Hope in the Game and hope the Developer still puts a lot of Work into the Game. All those who put as much Faith in the Developer and how I and the Developer want to support should buy the Game. To everyone else I can only advise let your Fingers off it or get it in the Sale. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BUG ISSUES---------------------------------Typical fighting bugs: The problem with the fighting animation. -Running away from fights isn't possible. -Non-visible walls near objects. Especially in North Willow.
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