tERRORbane: an INTRODUCTION, mostly

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tERRORbane: an INTRODUCTION, mostly

Ever wondered if tERRORbane is the right game for you?
Well, wonder no more! Play the introduction to the game in this self-contained bug hunting adventure and discover exclusive bugs and prizes!

If you enjoy your time here, don't forget to wishlist tERRORbane the full game, which will be released in Q1 2022!

In tERRORbane, you'd expect to save a generic fantasy RPG world from evil, right? Instead, the Developer who created the game keeps on commenting on everything you do, funny bugs and glitches keep on popping up everywhere you go and nothing seems to work the way it should?! What's a good Player to do, but dish out his trusty BUG LIST and use bugs to his advantage to get to the ending credits sequence?

There's nothing that could go hilariously wrong, right?

Become the TERRORBANE, saviour of the world!

tERRORbane is a comedic adventure where bugs are your FRIENDS!
Enjoy exploring a crazy and outlandish world, full of unique, quirky characters and homages to the media of videogaming and its celebrated history, challenge the Developer with your creativity as you exploit and cheat your way through his sloppy design to try to get to the heart of what is truly needed to make the best games work.

Explore a wild wild WORLD!

Saving the realm from evil anthropomorphic villains is hardly a novel concept in the wild world of videogames, but don't go expecting this adventure to stay run-of-the-mill fantasy for long! Castles, temples, starships and vaults! Travel from the digital depths of a dungeon to the surface of the moon with barely any cohesive plot holding it together! The Developer created a world so full of strange lore and wonderful locales, you'll start to question your own sanity!

Challenge the Developer and find all BUGS you can!

The Developer swears the game he has created is the best one ever made, but the sorry state of his code begs for a much needed reassessment of his claims! Hunt for bugs and glitches, fill your BUG LIST and exploit every loop-hole you can! Only this way you'll defy all videogaming norms and prove your rights as the ultimate Player, worthy of changing the world of tERRORbane forever.

Make your CHOICES and venture beyond!

Did you really think finishing the game would be enough to finish tERROrbane's story? Think again! Your choices shape your journey across the world, delivering you to wildly different sections and environments, going back and choosing differently will usher you to completely different stories and characters, adding new bugs to your collection! Who's to say you won't find a way to explore even beyond the ending credit scene?


This game is perfect, there are no glitches here.
Release date
BitNine Studio
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 10
  • Processor: Intel Core™ 2 Duo 2.0+ GHz
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Storage: 2 GB available space
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Oct 15, 2021

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