Tesouro Perdido
Pirate Coins
Encontre o tesouro e tome cuidado com a maré // Find the treasure and watch out for the tide
Instruções (PT-BR):
Setas: Movem
X: Cavar um buraco
Depois de 1 minuto os buracos são resetados e o jogador deve tentar se guiar de volta ao lugar de onde parou.
Instructions (ENG):
Arrows: Move
X: Dig a hole
After 1 minute the holes are reset and the player should try to guide himself back to where he left off .
This game was created for Mini Jam 85: Gold and Game Jaaj 6
Programming, art and everything by @rthurmed.
This project was made with the Godot Game Engine (v3.3.2).
This project uses "mousetrap" font. Made by jeti. Licensed under CC BY 4.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ . More info: https://fontenddev.com/fonts/mousetrap .
Sounds and music are licensed under CC0. Download at OpenGameArt:
- https://opengameart.org/content/opl2-unkown-drunken-sailor
- https://opengameart.org/content/beach-ocean-waves
- https://opengameart.org/content/shovel-sound