Average Playtime: 1 hour

The Assembly

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A first-person interactive story for mature audiences, The Assembly is a long-form game designed from the ground up for VR. Play as two individuals and discover a morally challenging organization from contrasting perspectives. Face trials, investigate the Assembly’s secret bunker and make tough decisions. But will your actions and their repercussions save lives… or lead to catastrophe?

Now supports Vive Motion Controllers and Oculus Touch as input devices.
Key Features
  • Freely explore realistic environments in VR using accessible 'blink' movement controls.

  • Uncover the morally ambiguous Assembly through a gripping and incisive story.

  • Test your potential in newcomer Madeleine Stone’s induction trials and uncover a series of shocking revelations as veteran Cal Pearson.

  • Thought-provoking dilemmas will lead you to question the Assembly’s relentless pursuit of progress.

  • Play the game in non-VR.
Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Xbox One

System requirements for PlayStation 4

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7 64-bit (Service Pack 1) or newer
  • Processor: Intel i5-4590 equivalent or greater (VR), Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 2.40GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.4GHz (Non-VR)
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 970 or AMD 290 equivalent or greater (VR), AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series or equivalent (Non-VR)
  • Storage: 5 GB available space
  • Additional Notes: USB Ports 3x USB 3.0 ports plus 1x USB 2.0 port. This game can be played with a gamepad or keyboard and mouse. The VR version can also be played with Vive motion controllers or Oculus Touch.
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Last Modified: Dec 16, 2023

Where to buy

PlayStation Store
Xbox Store

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Découvrez l'enquête d'Anton sur la maladie du directeur
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ID@Xbox Showcase
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The Assembly PSVR
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The Assembly reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
The Assembly is a well-packaged Story about a laboratory in Nowhere and is about a Doctor who already works for The Assembly but uncovers various Machinations and a Female Doctor who has quit her Profession in the Past because of "immoral" Experiments And now completed the recruitment Test for The Assembly. Through this Division of History, one gets to know the two Aspects of the secret Organization. The crude inner and the friendly "outside" if new People are to be hired. Overall, The Assembly offers some good Puzzles. These are not too difficult to solve, but are Fun. The Motion Control is a bit more convenient, because you can either run with the X-Box Controller (jerky in very small Increments) or port (usually the better Choice). When you port, you can see your own Character where and how it will stand, but you only ever stand in the current Direction of view. This is a bit of a Shame that one does not set oneself here according to the "Holo figure." The Game, in my Opinion, completely Solves motion sickness through the Types of Locomotion, even if this doesn't work ideally yet. Verdict: I can fully recommend the Game to anyone who likes a popcorn cinema story and a few Puzzles. The Overall implementation is great, the Story is well told and you feel well put in in the Episodes of the People. Only the Playing Time of just under 2 Hours is unfortunately a bit short.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Absolute Recommendation! An exciting Adventure, without any physical Violence. Gering from an interesting Story in which you exchange between two Protagonists in several Chapters. You interact with Computers and there are various Puzzles to solve. There are at least two different Endings to be played. The one I saw could look like a second Part to me ... So far, there are not many Games of this Kind in the VR area, that it is then also Playable completely in German Makes it almost a Mandatory purchase. The German Speakers are very well chosen and sound professional. Finally being able to play without Subtitles is nice, especially since Subtitles in VR are always a bit annoying. The Introduction to the Story is somewhat irritating, the Player gets told it in the Ego Perspective and the Protagonist sits there in a Wheelchair while standing himself. It can happen that you go through the Rolli or the like. But The Graphics are apt and you feel fast in the Action. Unfortunately, there is no real Roomscaling, so it is possible to walk through Walls (see above), but you can only look into other Rooms, not interact with Things there. This can only be done if there is also "official" Access to this Room. The Control is O.K., unfortunately there is no free Movement by Pad, only Teleportation and a somewhat useless Flashing. There could be further improvements. Teleport control Is definitely Playable and at some point you don't notice that anymore. Especially since you can move around in your Play Area. The Interactions, of course, could be even more diverse, as in any VR game, but that might then just distract from the Story. Beware of Dustbins-I am often attached to them-especially when standing next to Doors. An excellent Game!
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