Average Playtime: 7 hours

The Banner Saga 3

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Banner Saga 3 is the epic conclusion to a sweeping viking saga six years in the making. This strategic RPG, acclaimed for its strong story and compelling characters has won over 20 awards and been nominated for 4 BAFTA awards.

As the world crumbles around you, how will you survive when the Darkness draws near, and who will you trust with the fate of the world?

System requirements for Xbox One

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System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7 SP1
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Storage: 8 GB available space
  • OS: Windows 10
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Storage: 10 GB available space

System requirements for macOS

  • OS: MAC OSX 10.7.5
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Storage: 8 GB available space
  • OS: MAC OSX 10.7.5
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Storage: 10 GB available space
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Last Modified: Nov 29, 2024

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PlayStation Store
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The Banner Saga
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The Banner Saga 3 Official Kickstarter Trailer
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The Banner Saga 3 reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
So ..., I'm a big Fan of the Banner Saga Series, this sent ahead. Part 1 and 2 were very good, from history and also in terms of technical Quality (no Crashes from the Game). Unfortunately, with Banner Saga 3 I have to make the following restrictions: Very slow Course of Side-scrolling at the March of the Troops! It pulls and pulls ...! In total, I had 5 Crashes from the Game: 2 times during Video Sequences and 2 x I had to close the Game myself, because the Loading just didn't stop (e.g. from "On the Road" to The Overview Map). Luckily, I could play on almost every Time without losing anything until all at once, when I had started a Fight with "Continue" and then crashed (that was the 3rd crash). That was very annoying, of course, because then I had to play the Beginning of the Fight again. I did not have this crash problem with the first two Parts. The Game itself is good in terms of History, maybe a bit short, Graphics as had been. It was Fun to play the Game; If there are any more Parts, I will get them again. Out of 10 Points in terms of Story, Fun and technical Quality, I would only give 6 in total this time. Nevertheless, I recommend this Game, especially for Fans!
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
The Banner Saga 3 is a storybook style lap strategy game that seamlessly ties in With and ends the Events of Part II. The Great Thing about this Game, as well as the Predecessors, is that all Decisions, including their Consequences, play a Role in all other Parts. Characters who die in the first Part also remain so in the Third. We travel with our Caravans, in two parallel and yet coherent Stories, through different Parts of the World to prevent the Downfall of the World. In doing so, we meet countless Characters, many funny Dialogues and experience many Atrocities. Anyone who knows the first two Parts knows what to expect in Part III, because the Development has remained true to their Style. The sudden and unexpected Deaths of many Characters often leave a bitter Aftertaste. By never knowing what could have happened if you had reacted differently in a Dialogue, the Game has extremely high Replay value. Part I and II I also had to play twice each to really get to know all The Facets of this eerily beautiful World. Atmospherically picturesque, the Landscapes are also like before, the Music is not bad either. However, for me personally, it has never regained the Quality of the first Part. Unfortunately, there is something to criticize: In Contrast to the two Predecessors, I found Fights on the Level of difficulty "Normal" already very demanding, but on "Light" too easy. The Possibility to send the Caravan to rest did not exist, especially at the End of the Game, so that injured Characters could not be cured and had to take part in the Accumulating fights with a (Health tis = starch) malus. As a Conclusion, I can say that the approximately 10 Hours of Play time (for one Pass) is worth it, but not for the Full Price of €25. I bought it in the Steam sale for €1515 and find the value For Money a little better here. The End unfortunately comes very suddenly, may feel "round," but somehow I was personally curious about what was happening to the Survivors. However, since "The Banner Saga" was designed as a Triology, I don't think we'll know. Full Buy recommendation!
Favorite Thing: A great end to an epic journey.
Least Favorite Thing: (!!!!SPOILER!!!!) Alette, who has been with me for three games, gets killed almost as an afterthought and the game quickly moves on from her.

Date Completed: 2018-11-24
Playtime: 9h
Enjoyment: 8/10
Recommendation: If you played the first two you mostly know what to expect. If you haven't you should!
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