The Battle for Bloxia
Original Release Date: February 2015
Battle for Bloxia is a 2D momentum based platformer, similar to Sonic the Hedgehog in pretty much everything. Originally called "AlexMario Origins", this game mixes elements from my experiences on Roblox (2009-2013 Era), my Sonic fangames from that era, as well as my SMW hacks. While of passable quality in 2015, the 2018 rerelease featured improved screen resolution, recomposed music, and an overall easier experience.
The plot involves an online utopia called "Bloxia" where users could be whoever they want, build whatever they want, and do whatever they want to do. This world is managed and moderated by a group of elites called the "Admins". One admin, Valvez, decided to turn against the others and use his admin powers to corrupt the server. Enforcing his reign of terror is a user named Clyde, who builds his own empire upon the ruins of all the corrupted lands. However, they soon mess with the wrong dude's turf...