The Battle of Everpizza

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Battle of the Everpizza - A top-down bullet hell made for GMTK Game Jam 2021.

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- The game's main mechanic is to manipulate the Stars, get them to join together to create interesting scenarios.

- WSAD to move
- Left Mouse to shoot
- R to Reload
- Q and E to rotate  the Stars
- 1, 2 and 3 to change weapons

- Survive against waves of enemy
- Protect the red dude in the middle of the pizza
- You have 3 unique guns, which will be useful in certain circumstances
- You can rotate the Static Stars by pressing Q or E
- The playground is divided into 3 sections. There are 2 sections that have a Star attached. These are called Static Stars.
- There is 1 Star that moves around the pizza. It is called Moving Star

- You can not move or change the orbit of the Moving Star
- When Moving Star joins other Star's section, things get interesting: Your gun becomes MORE POWERFUL and shoot FASTER. But guest what? The enemies are also get spawned MUCH QUICKER and SHOOT A LOT FASTER.

- If a section has no Star around, it behavior also changes: Enemies take more time to spawned. But you have to be careful, your guns become much weaker here. 
- Manipulate the Stars and deploy your best strategy to win the game. Chaotic or easy cake? It's your choice.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

The Battle of Everpizza screenshot, image №2886942 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Jun 14, 2021

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