The Battle of Everpizza
Battle of the Everpizza - A top-down bullet hell made for GMTK Game Jam 2021.
How does my game fit the theme?
- The game's main mechanic is to manipulate the Stars, get them to join together to create interesting scenarios.
- WSAD to move
- Left Mouse to shoot
- R to Reload
- Q and E to rotate the Stars
- 1, 2 and 3 to change weapons
- Survive against waves of enemy
- Protect the red dude in the middle of the pizza
- You have 3 unique guns, which will be useful in certain circumstances
- You can rotate the Static Stars by pressing Q or E
- The playground is divided into 3 sections. There are 2 sections that have a Star attached. These are called Static Stars.
- There is 1 Star that moves around the pizza. It is called Moving Star
- You can not move or change the orbit of the Moving Star
- When Moving Star joins other Star's section, things get interesting: Your gun becomes MORE POWERFUL and shoot FASTER. But guest what? The enemies are also get spawned MUCH QUICKER and SHOOT A LOT FASTER.
- If a section has no Star around, it behavior also changes: Enemies take more time to spawned. But you have to be careful, your guns become much weaker here.
- Manipulate the Stars and deploy your best strategy to win the game. Chaotic or easy cake? It's your choice.