The Chase: Felix Meets Felicity
The Chase: Felix meets Felicity follows the tale of either Felix or Felicity, two messengers, who meet by chance. The game picks up with the pair racing their respective ways across town to get to their date on time. To successfully arrive at their end destination, they must navigate a series of obstacle laden areas, running, jumping, dodging and skiing their way through hectic encounters as they desperately try to stay ahead of time and the weather.
- Narrative driven gameplay: See your character cross a city full of the most bizarre hazards and mishaps, just to get to their date on time.
- Various gameplay modes: Level goals range from pure racing and dodging to collecting, rescuing, point gathering and mini games.
- Accessible mission structure: Meet the minimum requirements per level and move on to the next, but reach the maximum and unlock special bonus levels and mini games.
- Fast, free-flowing game that encourages players to experiment with different game nuances and fun in game environments.
- Unique control system utilizes a combination of stylus and directional buttons-draw the path that your characters will take!
- Colorful, hand-drawn art that takes the sharp, angular world of the comic book and fuses it with the fluidity of a videogame.