The Cheap$
Four villains want to conquer the world, they have the means to do it... But they don't want to spend a lot of money doing it!
Become a cheap villain, search for scraps in the junkyard and race to build your evil empire.
Dive in piles of junk looking for ingredients, bring them back to your base and craft what you need to raise the stock valute of your evil company and if you dig something you don't want, throw it against your enemies to knock them out! You might be on a budget, but that doesn't mean you won't do anything to stop your opponents and on claim the control over the world!
Duration of a matchEach match is 4 minutes long.
GoalsBe the villain with the highest stock value at the end of the game. To gain stock value, complete projects using the scraps you dig from four different pile of junk scattered across the map. Throw the screaps you collect into your base to automatically start crafting the projects. All the scraps not needed for your evil plans are autamically sold to slighty increase your stock value.
SettingsAn epic junk yard full of scraps! And everything is FREE!
Game MechanicsMove your villain toward the piles of junk and start digging. The scrap you collect are stored above your head. You can carry up to three items at the same time. Then, you can go back to your base and use the items you collect to complete your evil plans OR you can throw them at your enemies to knock them down!
RummageYour evil plans require different items to be completed. There are four pile of junks in the junkyard. Each pile is made of three items, for a total of 12 items. Interact multiple times with the pile of junk to collect an item.
Throw stuffScraps found is collected and shown above your head. You can carry up to three items ad the same time. To use the scraps at your base, you need to throw them at your base and they are autmatically used to complete your plans. If the scrap throw is not needed in any recipe, is automatically sold. Since scrap can be thrown anytime, it can be used as a weapon against other player. You always throw the last item you picked up. If you hit another player, that player drop all the items he is carrying and is stunned for a small period of time.
BarterItem thrown or dropped can be picked up by other players.
Theft(WIP) Currently, you can steal points from other players.
Building the goal(WIP) Some recipe won't give you points but upgrades that will improve your combat and scrap-finding skills!
Type of characterEach villain has his own set of unique plans, linked to his personality. Those plans will predominantly use certain types of scraps over others.