The Color Generator V2.0
This is just a random color generator. If it's successful, it will get some updates for you.
If not, doesn't matter. This game is just a test, so it doesn't necessarily need updates, but I will try to do my best if this game becomes something interesting (I doubt xD).
Anyway, the download is below. Thanks for download/reading the description.
Left Click: Randomizes color for cube.
Right Click: Access Options.
Escape (Esc): Exit game at any time (except in Help)
- Created Color Generator
- Added Options
- Added Randomized Colors for Animated Cube
- Centered the Settings Menu
- "Settings:" Title no longer appears when clicked on "Enable Depth only Background"
- You can now press the "Escape" key to quit the game
- Added Two More Settings to the Settings Menu
- Added Black&White (BW) Colors for Animated Cube
- Added Icon for the game and the Configuration Settings
- Fix some bugs
- Remove two useless settings
- Added a whole new mode to switch between Cube & Sphere Modes
- Reshaped the Square to a Cube
- Added a Help Button
- Added more and improved animations
- Added resizable window feature
- Fixed Start-up Icon (White borders were visible on the edges)
- Fixed some lightning errors/failures
- Fixed some bugs
More updates will be coming soon!
Check out my YouTube Channel:
(P.S.: Mac and Linux Versions will also be coming out soon, so look forward to them :D )