The Cursed Land
A distant land cursed by the Ancient Gods...
And one man's attempt to lift it.
Platform your way through three different worlds, defeating enemies and staying alive. Collect the three Gems of Virtue, one in each world. Only when all three are collected will they combine to create the Gem of Justice, which has the power to lift the curse on the land.
This game was developed over a weekend for the Kenney Jam 2020. The theme for the jam was 'Cursed'.
ControlsZ key - Move left
X key - Move right
P key - Jump
O key - Pause/Resume
M key - Mute/Unmute
Mouse - navigate menus
All assets, as per the jam rules, were sourced from
All sound effects were sourced from
Due to the time constraints on the jam, I was unable to source any background/ambient audio and add them to my game.
The virtues used to name the gems were taken from the works of the Greek philosopher, Plato. He wrote about these virtues in the "Republic," a Socratic dialogue.