The Cycle (itch) (SandorLippai)
The Cycle is a really short puzzle based game made for the Vertex Jam 2020.
The player starts as a small ant with a few special abilites: You can pick up small food objects and you can easily go under really small places.
As you progress you will unlock a new character with a new ability which will be needed to solve the puzzles.
I always wanted to make games, I started developing a few projects but I have never finished one. So I decided to enter a game jam and actually finish one even if I feel it's a really short game. Technically this is my first "finished" game and my first game jam too :D
If I had more time I would have added more levels, made the puzzles harder to solve, improved the controls; sound; visuals. Also I planned to add a few more characters with vivid abilities. (Such as a chicken, unicorn, turtle)