The Hero of Legacy
Weekly Game Jam
Theme: Not The Hero
Featuring a young hero by the name of Cassius who seeks to bring justice to all evil that threatens Pohono. Villain by villain he vows to protect Pohono from their sinister clutches, keeping them from using the golden power for evil. A never ending sea of villains in a dire Era, can you defeat the Mistress of Anarchy trying to use a small village as her nesting ground of darkness?
Warning: this game contains some blood and dead bodies, nothing major but be cautious.
*a battle system with enemies you may have to be tactical with
*average playtime 30 minutes
*nice mapping
*two endings!!
*in depth story slowly told through playthrough
If you don't have VX Ace RTP you can't play it, you can find the RTP download here: RTP
For those who are having trouble beating the original game, you can get a second version that is on an easier level making the shadows easier to find and all the enemies easier to beat, and a few skills cause more damage. Easy Version Download