Average Playtime: 2 hours

The Islander

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The Islander is a fast building/farming game set somewhere in an exotic Polynesia. Plant crops, bushes and trees, build livestock pens, but don’t forget to make it look classy by adding various decorations.
Start from the scratch and design your own island or let the game randomly generate one for you.
Harvest your crops, get money, and expand your farm island; and if you ever get tired just call your trusty cocobot assistants to help you collect your goods.
Earn experience points increase your level and unlock new plants, animals and decorations.
The Islander is not a game that requires fast fingers or sharp reflexes, it’s a game designed to ease your mind and soul. So relax, take your time and build a farm island of your dreams.
Once you are done save your farm and start over with fresh ideas.

Release date
Boxhead Bros.
Boxhead Bros.
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7 or later
  • Processor: 2 GHz
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 128 MB
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 100 MB available space
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Last Modified: Jan 28, 2022

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Plant a total of 250 Crops
Plant a total of 250 Trees
Plant a total of 250 Bushes
Buy a total of 250 Animals
Buy a total of 100 Animals
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28 items

The Islander reviews and comments

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Microsoft from Deutsch
The Islander Gameplay A Story doesn't have this Game; You are the only Inhabitant of a small Island in the middle of the Sea. Your Task now is to plant and decorate the Island. By Withering the crops and Trees and Collecting the animal Products, you gain Experience, slowly ascend in the Level and Thus unlock new Plants and Decorations. From the second Level You can buy Harvesters in the Form of flying Coconuts, which then rush and harvest for you over the Island. You can use the Hammer Tool to clear your Island (when There are trees, Bushes or Rocks on It), replace already built decorations and Plants with the arrow cross on the right Edge of the screen, and with the basket tool you can travel over a Field of ripe fruit and Collects them. With the Mouse Wheel, you can zoom in and out and navigate the Map with W, A, S and D. At the Top of The Screen you will see your Assets, Level progress and Decoration Level. The Tree Menu is located at the bottom and bottom left is the General Menu with the Options, storage/load (the Game has an automatic Memory, but also lets you create manual Memory levels) and so on. In the Building Menu you can see a List of all existing And not yet unlocked items, as well as the Requirements to unlock a new Item and Also the Required area and yield (under "?"). You can collect additional Money by clicking on Starfish, Cardboard And jumping Fish. This is still worthwhile at the Beginning, later are the Amounts that this Secondary Employment brings you rather laughable and hardly noticeably affect your Credit ... And you're going to need a Lot of Money. Because the more often you build a planting tat animal enclosure, the more expensive it becomes. However, if the Number on the Island decreases, the Price will also be lowered again. It is also worth increasing the Decolal level, as this increases the Yield of the Animals and Plants. Unlike other Games of this Kind, your Helpers unfortunately only collect Money when you run the Game. No offline farms. However, you can simply run the Game faded in the Background and occasionally confirm a Level-Up (pauses the Game). By the way, there is no Tutorial, which is not necessary, because many Things are self-explanatory. Small Minus point: Unfortunately, the Game in Window mode Likes to hang up when you zoom out, but otherwise runs fluidly and is not bad, as the Car Save appears to be constantly updating. Graphics and Sound Visual, the Game is kept in a slightly pixelated cartoon look. The Plants, Decorations and the lonely Islanders look good, only the Harvesters seem displaced and unbeautiful. In the Background, a pleasant but little memorable Melody ducks, which invites you to Relax. Sound Effects and Music can be switched off separately. Conclusion A good Game for between or by the way and also for achievement hunters. The Successes are easy, but sometimes quite time-consuming. If the Review helps and/or likes you, follow our Review Program! And write calmly in the Comments if you want to tell me something about this Review.
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