The Itch Eye Kursguyd Tooth a Galaxy
"The Itch Eye Kursguyd Tooth a Galaxy" - frequently? usually :P
Thank you 4 taking the time 2 checkout these frigid Icelands encountered on our latest SpyGull(tm) mission ... please enjoy
A very special thank you to Kalax for allowing me to include his very special track "Moonlit" as the soundtrack for this interactive experience. It seemed perfect for the colors, don't you think?
please support Kalax if you like the music:
A huge thanks to Epic Games 4 UnrealEngine 4, SideFX for Houdini, Blender Foundation for Blender, Blender Community for Progress and Love <3
... ..and many others who provide inspiration for me to continue this pursuit... ..
The menu music and blizzard sound fx and a bunch of example content used as fodder for the blend were provided by Epic Games.
All other content made by me, most of it just for this jam ... it's not much, but it's got a few things going for it.
Install instructions:
fly around, shoot lasers at things, break the ice, see a sunset, hear an awesome synthwave track ....
ASWD, mouse left button, middle wheel, you know the drill
#ue4, #houdini,#blender