The King's Gambit (itch)

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The King's Gambit is a strategy-esque game that I like to think of as Fire Emblem meets Minesweeper.


Note: There are a lot of instructions in the menu you start on, but don't feel like you need to read all of it! Much of it is sort of advanced knowledge that you don't need to know before playing.

Note: There are some timing issues with the WebGL version; download the Windows build for a smoother experience.


The King's Gambit was made for the GMTK Game Jam 2022, where the theme was "Roll of the Dice". I interpreted that as taking risky actions with the hope that it will produce a good outcome. In mechanical terms, you sacrifice your limited number of armies against unbeatable foes with the hope that you'll find the Overmind as a result.

You control a number of outclassed armies, trying to survive against the Gelshari invasion. One of your armies fighting one of theirs spells certain death.

However, you have one hope. The stolen Gelshari Flames can empower one of your armies, giving them a chance. What's more, the Overmind hiding amongst the enemy acts as a lifeline for the Gelshari: if you can find and destroy it, victory is assured.


Full instructions and controls are in the game itself, but everything is controllable with a mouse; drag and drop your armies to green zones to move them.


Made with Unity, Piskel, Audacity, Beepbox. I made most of the content during the jam itself, though the music is a song I made a while back.

I used this palette for the art:

Everything created by me, Jaco van Hemert.

Release date
Jaco van Hemert
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Web

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Jul 18, 2022

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