The King's Request
Squire: Sire! There seems to be demon hives appearing around our borders? What should we do?
King: We have no choice squire! Get the builders! We'll need to train our forces before they start their attack. By REQUEST of the KING.
The King's Request is a real-time strategy game except you do not have direct control of your units, they kind of have a mind of their own.
- The King's Request is all about convincing your units to do what you want them to do via money
- Click and hold the middle mouse button to move the camera, and scroll to zoom in and out.
- Click on the Build button (bottom right) to build more buildings
- Hold left shift to continue placing buildings
- Press Esc if you want to cancel building
- Click on buildings for more info and to set the salary for each job.
- Build Explorer Flags (extreme right of build menu) to convince your knights to go to a certain area. They'll attack anything in their path!
- Defeat all of the Enemy Hives to win!
(Tip: Use 1/5 of the building's price as a guideline to how much you should set the salary)
Main Menu Music from:
Early Game Music from:
Late Game Music from: