The Last Cure
Game is for the Jam - GAB Jam: Find The Cure
It is Friday 13th August 2021. An unknown virus has been detected spreading rapidly and killing most who get it. Scientists around the world are trying to slow it so it cant spread as quickly, but most efforts have failed. That is except for one, a man who is hiding in the infected town of Minnai. He has devised a cure and managed to cure himself and has left one spare cure at his laboratory. You are a scavenger, trying to stay alive by finding food, water and other useful supplies. You were recently bitten and it is not long till you turn, unless you can find the cure.
There are 3 endings, can you find them all.
W - Up
A - Left
S - Down
D - Right
Left Mouse Button - Shoot
0 - Holster
1 - Pistol
2 - SMG
3 - Shotgun
4 - Knife
E - Open Door / Interact
Credits - Music/SFX - Trimming Audio Files