The Last of Us Interactive Game Poster
- Timed event revealing the elements in the poster in order.
- Text that moves away from the user's mouse position.
- Background music
- Text to speech voice over
- Birds flying can be enabled/disabled by user's click.
Design Goals and ProcessMy design goals for this interactive game poster was to create a experience that would be visually calming and aesthetically pleasing to the user. I believe the simplicity of birds flying across your screen, to the texts in the poster bobbing according to your mouse movement, overall gives a nice and pleasing experience. As someone who has never used or done something like p5.js, it was a technical challenge for me to start out on this project. However, as I learned more interesting ways to program and improve on my poster, I believe I achieved personal success of creating a interactive experience I enjoy myself. If I had more knowledge in p5.js, I would have added additional interactive elements like changing the color of texts when the user hovers them and etc.
CreditsDiamonds and Pearls - Dezaulait.사랑