The Lighthouse (itch) (BigFoot1709)
The Year is 1927.
You play as Ivan, a retired Navy officer, who has neglected his duties as lighthouse attendant. Alone with his thoughts, Ivan struggles to overcome his grief, and as such, has allowed his lighthouse to fall into a state of ruin.
On the eve of an imminent storm, Ivan discovers the Beacon is no longer shining. Help him navigate the lighthouse in an attempt to fix the beacon as he delves deep into his history to rediscover himself and begin a new chapter in his life.
The Lighthouse is only playable with either a PlayStation 4 controller, or Xbox controller.
The brightness can also be changed in the option menu.
This game was made by a team - Optic Studios:
- Devan Gray
- Dominique Bothma
- Matthew Morris
- Stash Gomes
- Keaton De Jager
This game was made for a university assignment.