The Loops
In looptopia, the cat has gotten LOOPING abilities! Help it capture the almighty, holy yarn.
Gameplay-Wise...He needed some rest after doing parkour to get the The Golden Fish, which he failed to consume as it was literally made out of gold, it seems that he needs help to finish these puzzles, as he has a very smol head and can't, literally, warp his head around it.
How do I play this? At the backstage...The game, Upward, is made in Pico-8, like this game. I really liked the minimalistic style that it captures, so I decided to make a smol puzzle game that looked, "similar". I did manage to pull off a style, but it definitely does not look like the game I mentioned before. Otherwise, I got gameplay inspiration from another Pico-8 game, Ma Puzzle. The Loops was actually supposed to be a platformer before, but I lost all the progress on that game, so...
Thanks for checking out my game (if you did of course)!