The Lost One (PurpleCowGames)
“The Lost One” is an adventure story-driven game where the player embarks on a journey to restore the peace to Ephyria.
You play as a tiny Ileon fox, Sapphire, that has magical powers, some from her and others from the ancestors of Freya, the sorcerer that’s trapped inside Sapphire’s body and who was also her owner.
This game brings a different approach to the use of magic from most games, since it is not only used for combat but also for other tasks that allow the player to solve the puzzles presented through the course of the game. Moreover, the way we are allowing the player to choose from the different abilities also slightly differs as the player won’t have all of them equipped at the same time.
During this game the player will find a calming, yet not easy, path to follow. The player can freely explore the map and make decisions on some matters. Between levels, magic, moving platforms, boxes to push and other things to collect, it offers various interaction moments throughout the game.
All Music and SFX are from: