The Mischievous Thievery Of Jessica The Cat (prototype)
Jessica the cat has been sneaking around the neighbourhood stealing people's things. Only one detective can track her down and find the missing items. (It's you! You're the detective.)
This is a prototype engine built in Twine for Global Game Jame 2021. The 2021 theme was "Lost & Found". [GGJ Game Page]
The game will launch in full screen mode.
- Mandy J Watson (@mandyjwatson):
Game design, narrative and writing, programming, and art - Fonts:
Munro by Ten By Twenty (SIL Open Font Licence 1.1); and
Nevis by Ten By Twenty (SIL Open Font Licence 1.1)
Software Used:
- Base64.Guru, Bitsy (for quick art and layout prototyping), GIMP, Notepad, and Twine
Game Notes:
My goals were:
- to make a map that is randomly ordered every time from a predefined set of tiles, which I achieved. (I would have preferred completely randomly generated but I didn't have enough time because it requires an extra section of coding that checks that specific tiles that you need in each game are there.)
- only to reveal the contents of each tile on the map after it has been investigated, which I achieved.
- to use some of the tiles as clues to help you find the missing object tile, which I didn't achieve.
My to do list includes:
- fixing the variable bug. [Done!]
- finishing the art.
- expanding the map to add more exploration tiles to the game.
- expanding the game world by adding new cases for players to investigate.
v0.9.1: Global Game Jam 2021 prototype
- Quick fix for the bug with the variables. The game should run fine now without needing to be refreshed.
v0.9: Global Game Jam 2021 prototype
- Original prototype submission for Global Game Jam 2021, which contained a bug that required the browser window to be refreshed if you finished the game and wanted to play it again.