The Mysterious Murasame Castle
One stormy night in feudal Japan, a mysterious force begins to take control over Murasame Castle and its lands. Each lord in four neighboring castles has taken possession of a dark sphere of power, allowing them to summon ninja armies and monsters that wreak havoc in the villages.
Takamaru, a brave and young samurai apprentice, has been sent to investigate. He must infiltrate all four castles and defeat the lords before making his way to Murasame Castle. Use sword and shuriken attacks against the swarms of enemies, and unlock the secret behind the source of evil.
This game is only playable in 2D.
This classic game is part of the Virtual Console service, which brings you great games created for consoles such as NES™, Super NES™ and Game Boy™ Advance. See more Virtual Console games for Nintendo 3DS.