The Observer (part 1)
Isolde wakes up from a dream that looks eerily like a tutorial and begins her adventure.
Each major story beat has several ways to progress.
Will she sneak out alone and get eaten by a werewolf?
Will she beat him alone?
Will she talk to her father and get her "uncle" to help her?
Do you fight the dragon?
Do you drug it to run past?
Also get lost in the battle system:
Each enemy has a major and minor weapon weakness but is highly resistant to most other weapons.
Do you use skills that change your weapon attack?
Do you change your equipment mid battle but have weaker attacks?
Past the first area it gets really difficult to only use the attack command so learn numerous special skills for each of the weapons by talking to everyone and finding quests.
Each boss has a gimmick to be careful of:
Do you beat the main boss first then move to the subordinates?
Do you beat the subordinates first to prevent them from attacking just to find out that it just enrages the boss?
Do you just run away to heal and change your equipment?
Do you finish a quest to get a weapon that is especially strong against the boss?
left click: select / confirm / move
right click: cancel / menu
middle scroll wheel: scroll menus
z: confirm
x: cancel ./ menu
arrow keys : move
shift: sprint (or auto sprint in menu)