The Ocean Was Once Clean
- WASD or Arrow Keys - Move
- Full Screen and Earphones for the Best Experience
- If the controls does not work, you might need to left-click, right-click, and middle-click the screen multiple times. Sorry for this bug.
"The Ocean Was Once Clean" is a game where you play as a baby fish on a journey to find his parents.
A Word From The AuthorThe following game is made for SeaJam in support of #teamseas. This game is made in 3 days. Two external assets (the soundtracks) are used in this game.
- Game Developer: Zeno
- Game Engine: Godot
- Font: MPlus1Code Music
Music provided by Free Vibes:
Dream Away by Day 7:
Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-ND 3.0) - Underwater ambience & deep ocean video, no copyright ocean music