The Resolve
A commander knows their troops better than they know themselves.
2D Real-Time Strategy game where you have to rely on your lieutenants to execute your orders. However, Lieutenants' personalities will affect how they interpret your orders. Will they charge into battle, following your every command? Or will they crumble at the sight of the enemy and call an early retreat?
This demo was made in 48h for the GMTK Game Jam 2020. The theme, "Out of Control", manifests itself by giving the troops you command a mind of their own. They might attack, or flee an incoming enemy. The best you can do is mitigate the risks and use them to their strengths.
Unfortunately, I severely overestimated the scope of the game for this jam and this is more a proof of concept than anything else. However, I learnt a lot about game AI and I'm looking forward to develop this idea further into a full game.
The released game will eventually twist traditional RTS mechanics. Orders sent to lieutenants will take time, as the messengers run to the frontline. The enemy troops will be hidden, their movements reported by unreliable scouts. And the lieutenants will have a mind of their own, sometimes disobeying orders, sometimes improvising on the spot.
Gameplay from this demo shows the battle tactics side of the game. In the final version, battles will be spaced with text-based choices to let you learn about the world and your lieutenants' personalities.
Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy the demo!
Game Engine:
Unity 2019.4.3f1 with Universal Render Pipeline.
Art Assets:
Paper by darkwood -
Pursuit by Hayden Folker | | Music promoted by | Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
Apalu by Khurasan -
High Summit by Hartadi Design -