The Shrink Ray

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Game Description:

You are Steve, a researcher whose team just had a major breakthrough.  Unfortunately, your boss Jim decided to show his loyalties...and it wasn't to you! Now, you have to explore and find a way to get the The Shrink Ray and use the new feature your team just developed to enlarge you back to your normal size!

Use WASD/Arrow keys to move; the mouse to aim and click on puzzle items; and the space bar to jump.

Game Jam Description:

This was going to be a game jam submission for a jam with the theme of a one-room game. I decided to try and make it a point-and-click style puzzle game. As I was trying to finish by the jam deadline, I only got half of the game finished (with very rough cutscenes), but still ended up being a couple minutes late to submit. I will continue working on the second half and will upload new versions as time goes on.

For this game, while it is built in Unity, I decided not to use the Adventure Creator asset that is for sale on the Asset Store. Instead, I tried to create my own version just to see how it would go. The level and puzzle design are my creation with everything but the player controller coded by me; I also did the voice work for the characters, using an audio program to change the pitch of my voice.

Current Bug List:

- The UI is not properly resizing. That makes the text blocks hard to read and also impacts the puzzle as it is hard to see when something is actually able to be clicked on.

- Currently objects can be selected even when not logically possible (such as when trapped in the hamster cage).

- Jumping height appears to be crazy, but this does make it much easier to get on the desk than the complicated system I designed. This might end up a feature as it could open new puzzle possibilities.


3D assets courtesy of GameDevHQ's Filebase,

Hamster Cage from

Font from[]=10&l[]=1

Release date
Weenie Walker Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Oct 16, 2020

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