The Siege of Guardian's Hold - Prologue
War is on the horizon, and information is key to survival...
Siege of Guardian's Hold - Prologue is an introductory mission for The Siege of Guardian's Hold, a 12-hour, real-time Epic that will be released over several months. This mission is designed for 5th level characters, and players will have to hunt down an enemy army, infiltrate it, and steal information about their forces to bring it back and prepare their home to survive the coming siege.
Thanks to my Patrons for making it possible to make these games! Special shoutouts to:
John Beckelhymer
Katie Coker
Tyler Litton
Sara White
Thaddius Goldner
William Moton
Serenity Tomala
Brett Schoonover
Elliot Chapple
System requirements for PC
Last Modified: Feb 10, 2020
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