Average Playtime: 4 hours

The Stalin Subway

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Immerse yourself in the dark atmosphere of Moscow during the 1950s. A covert plot against Stalin - the general secretary of the Soviet Communist Party - threatens to take the lives of innocent people. Against his will, KGB officer Gleb Suvorov must prevent the attack and rescue the lives of innocent people. You'll lead Gleb through a tempest of events where you'll visit prominent sights in Moscow, control the trains of a secret underground tunnel, and use authentic weaponry--including the anti-tank rifle PTRS-41, RKG-3 grenades, Molotov cocktails, and flamethrowers.
• The photorealistic representation of the most prominent Moscow sights: subway stations, the Kremlin, Moscow State University etc.
• The top-secret objects: a military transport underground dug-outs, Stalin’s bunker.
• Authentic weaponry, including such weapons as anti-tank rifle PTRS-41.
• The NPC-s are able to show the emotional reaction to the environment and the player’s actions.
• Control the trains of the secret underground line.
• Over 300 types of destructible objects.

Release date
Orion Games
Buka Entertainment
Age rating
Not rated
Other games in the series

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 98/XP/7/8
  • Processor: 2.0 GHz processor
  • Memory: 512 MB RAM
  • Graphics: DirectX compatible 128 MB
  • Storage: 4 GB available space
  • OS: Windows 98/XP/7/8
  • Processor: Pentium 4/Athlon XP 3.2 MHz or more
  • Memory: 1024 MB RAM
  • Graphics: DirectX compatible 256 MB
  • Storage: 4 GB available space
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Last Modified: Oct 30, 2024

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1 edit
KGB SIMULATOR - The Stalin Subway
Nov 26, 2015
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Oct 16, 2010
WR Stalin Subway Red Veil 8 Minutes 31 Seconds
Jan 18, 2017
Rossz PC Játékok Sorozat: Stalin Subway 2 (2. rész)
Oct 16, 2010
Gramy w Stalin's Subway - gra tak zła, że aż śmieszna
Oct 6, 2014
Zagrajmy w crapa #11 - The Stalin Subway
Mar 9, 2013
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The Stalin Subway reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Attention! The Following review is worth reading only when you are performing several conditions. Reading It should be: a desperate fan of the games of "old school" and classical "bellhop" shooters and/or a great connoisseur of aesthetics and history of the period of WWII or postwar years and/or a patient player, ready for the above to know the pain of Domestic hardcore. If not coincided categorically, the "thumbs up", exposed by me, you can safely turn over and forget about this craft, so as not to waste time and nerves wasted. In the opposite case, listen to me, comrade! Will people happiness, Happiness for ages; The Soviet Power is great! The Game disliked me from the first launch: long black screens loading and departure after the first death. Fortunately, taught a bitter experience of communication with the production of domestic gambling and old games, I turned to the advice of the community. From There I learned about the extreme need to manually install the patch, rolled the "patch" and jerked into battle. Immediately it became clear that the name of the main character-Chekista Artas Menetil Gleb Suvorov, and to him whatever it is necessary to find and kill the "Froromorom" father, passing through the horde of his colleagues. Who learns the voice of an actor reading the phrases of the protagonist, that prepared a lot of fun. Personally, I'm from replicas in style: "Bye, Dad" or "For my father!" fell under the table. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=650576086 In The kit immediately goes peppy nostalgic soundtrack-"Time, Go!" and other ancient hits in the new treatment, which instantly set up to battle with the enemies of the people. Shouts of enemies also make it clear that you are almost home-similar to the effect of bandit Frazochki in the "Stalker" and, perhaps, in the "Metro 2033". As for The gameplay-everything is simple. Most mechanics resembles "Wolfenstein 3D" and the same with him, and it is not a minus, and strict compliance with the canon. No car treatment, shelter systems, witches and slo-mo-all that can irritate in modern shooters. But the hero easily wears a gun in the shoulder bag, and all the action takes place on reflexes, STREJFE, competent vymanivanii enemies and, of course, save/load, where without it (passed on the maximum difficulty, I can not speak for others). http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=650576231 Enemies of intelligence do not shine, but hide in the corners or fall into the group, aptly shooting (like headshots). Variety of Enemies: military with different weapons, vitality and appearance, zeks with Finkami and some sluggish depressive dogs. We could Not for some reason "turn on Volfenstein" and show us the infernal Communist monsters from secret laboratories. Levels conditionally divided into several types, periodically dragged to prevent the player to get bored. For example, the "train" type of mission is subtly something reminded me of the level of the № 666 from the tin Toy "Blood". The final level was Bad, zamurovav me alone with a key that didn't open the right door. Therefore, in order not to suffer, I had to apply (repent!) The secret spell "Noukclip". Terribly furious infernal Physics boxes, stepping into which, you can provoke a sudden terrible death of the protagonist (once even managed to survive a second before the death of a sudden box). I have experienced Such a nightmare only in the kitchen of an abandoned hotel in "Vampire: The Masquerade-Bloodlines", although it was written in the script. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=650575985 going Back to the script: the inarticulate submission and the lack of imagination of the screenwriter played with the game a bad joke, because the stupid videos, they are animated jokes about Stalin and Beraria, Do not contribute to the serious perception of the creation of the Kkosdemonicheskaya Krugoverti. What we have in the end: The game, of course, has the right to exist and even able to deliver some fun. If not a plot, then at least a high level of absurdity. There is no fresh game mechanic, but there are references to ancient cult things like "Wolfenstein 3D", but in the new entourage and on a relatively unashamed engine. In the end, it is a game from Russian developers for Russian players (I do not believe that there was a hope to sell this product somewhere behind the cordon) and it should be valued.
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