The Untitled Action Tolkien Show
This is a game I made for the 2018 Seven Day Roguelike Challenge. There is not much of a story at the moment. You guide your character around a proceduraly generated dungeon killing any orcs you find before they kill you.
Given the short amount of time available, it is missing a lot of the features I would have liked to add but it is somewhat playable. I consider it a success. I will be continuing development to add the missing features. Keep watching this page for the latest news and downloads.
Contents of the downloadThe zip file below contains:
- tuats - A x86-64 Linux executable.
- tuats.png - a spritesheet containing graphics used in this game.
- README - Instructions
unzip this file somewhere and make tuats executable. tuats.png must be in the same directory. You will also need to install the SFML 2.4 libraries if you haven't already.
Then run tuats. It is recommended that you run it from a terminal window otherwise you might miss some game messages.
How to PlayT.U.A.T.S is controlled using the keyboard.
h, LEFT ARROWmove leftj, DOWN ARROWmove downk, UP ARROWmove upl, RIGHT ARROWmove downy, HOMEmove diagonally up and leftu, PAGE UPmove diagonally up and rightb, ENDmove diagonally down and leftn, PAGE DOWNmove diagonally down and rightEscapequitMoving over an orc "fights" it.